API Browser

Browse multiple Qlik REST API definitions in one place!

Interactive Qlik API Browser
Browse various Qlik API definitions from a single place

Available definitions

  • SaaS Rest API
  • Repository Rest API
  • Proxy Rest API
  • Engine JSON-RPC (web-socket)
  • (few more to come)


Each definition is searchable:

The search will show all endpoints that are matching the search criteria AND all groups of endpoints (`Spaces ...` in the example above).

If choose group then all it's endpoints are displayed:

We can then drill into each endpoints to view details about all the supported methods:

We can then inspect the Request/Response elements:

And go even deeper and preview nested data or enums:


  • SaaS and Engine JSON-RPC definitions are scraped from qlik.dev
  • Repository and Proxy are downloaded by calling about/openapi/main endpoints of QSEoW. At the moment of writing of this article May 2022 Patch 11 definitions are available
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