Qlik Repository API

NodeJS/browser package to interact with Qlik Sense Repostory API (QSEoW)


npm install qlik-repo-api

Usage example

  • NodeJS example (certificates) that will get list of apps based on Repo API filter and then update all apps by adding tags and custom properties
import fs from "fs";
import https from "https";

import { QlikRepoApi } from "qlik-repo-api";

const cert = fs.readFileSync(`path/to/client.pem`);
const key = fs.readFileSync(`path/to/client_key.pem`);

const httpsAgentCert = new https.Agent({
  rejectUnauthorized: false,
  cert: cert,
  key: key,

const repoApi = new QlikRepoApi.client({
  host: "sense-instance.com",
  port: 4242, //default 4242
  httpsAgent: httpsAgentCert,
  authentication: {
    user_dir: "SOME_USER_DIR",
    user_name: "SOME_USER_ID",

// get list of apps with their name is starting with "License"
// GET qrs/app?filter=name sw 'License'
const filterApp = await repoApi.apps.getFilter({
  filter: `name sw 'License'`,

// loop through the apps list and update them
const updateResponse = await Promise.all(
  filterApp.map((app) =>
      tags: ["tag-name-1", "tag-name-2"],
      customProperties: [


Source code and documentation can be found at the package repository and wiki page

Code documentation can be found at this page

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